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  • Fibre to Fabric School Prep . -
    It describes the meaning of fibre which is thin, thread-like strands from which cloth/fabric is produced. The chapter elaborately describes the manner in which fabric such as wool and silk are produced through different production processes.
    15 Lessons 09:10:00 Hours English Intermediate
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  • Acids, Bases and Salts School Prep . -
    Acids and bases are two unlike materials available all around us. This chapter includes topics like natural indicators, neutralization, acidic and basic substances.
    15 Lessons 09:30:37 Hours English Beginner
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  • Physical and Chemical Changes School Prep . -
    It explains the concept of change and its two fundamental kinds – physical change and chemical change. The important topics include crystallisation, galvanisation, rusting, chemical reactions, chemical change and physical change.
    11 Lessons 10:52:34 Hours English Intermediate
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  • Soil School Prep . -
    This chapter on Soil provides the definition of soil and describes its formation and how it remains useful for agriculture. It supplies water and nutrients to the plants for mankind’s sustainability. Agriculture, in turn, provides us with all the necessities of life from food to clothing and even materials for shelter besides raw materials for different categories of agro-based industries and so on.
    15 Lessons 02:01:38 Hours English Beginner
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  • Water: A Precious Resource School Prep . -
    This chapter includes details about groundwater, the significance of water resources in our lives, how it is getting depleted and the things that we can do to save this resource.
    18 Lessons 05:59:55 Hours English Intermediate
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  • Wastewater Story School Prep . -
    Wastewater Story helps you understand the issue of contaminants of water. Water is an important resource and treasure available on earth that must be used with care and actions must be taken to preserve it. If we don’t take proper care of water, it will have terrible consequences on us all and for our future generations as well.
    13 Lessons 06:14:51 Hours English Intermediate
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