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  • Simple Equations School Prep . -
    Simple Equations is the start of algebra. This chapter covers the concept of equations, formulation of Simple Equations and some practical applications. It introduces you to basic algebraic concepts that will be applied often in practical use.
    10 Lessons 11:17:59 Hours Hindi Beginner
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  • Lines and Angles School Prep . -
    This chapter is on the geometrical concept of Lines and Angles. We will study about Related Angles and Pairs of Lines. We will also learn to check parallel lines
    12 Lessons 16:46:54 Hours Hindi Beginner
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  • Triangle and its Properties- School Prep . -
    This Chapter is all about triangles. It covers triangles in detail including its medians, altitudes, exterior angles, isosceles and equilateral triangles, right-angled triangles and the Pythagoras theorem.
    14 Lessons 15:58:25 Hours Hindi Beginner
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  • Congruence of Triangles School Prep . -
    This Chapter is about the geometrical concept of congruence. It covers congruence in detail starting from the congruence of plane figures to that of line segments, angles and triangles. Special focus is given on the congruence of right-angled triangles.
    13 Lessons 12:14:20 Hours Hindi Beginner
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  • Comparing Quantities School Prep . -
    This Chapter is about the comparison of quantities. In this chapter, there are a total of 3 exercises and 21 questions. It covers ratios and percentages and their practical use. You will also be studying about simple interests.
    15 Lessons 13:25:18 Hours Hindi Beginner
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